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Trade Assurance is a free payment protection service for buyers.
The service is offered by participating suppliers, and is designed to protect your payment if your order is not shipped on time, or if the pre-shipment product quality (optional) does not match the terms agreed on your contract.
Your payment is protected up to 100% of an amount - agreed between you and the supplier - called the Trade Assurance Order Amount. will refund up to 100% of the Trade Assurance Order Amount on your contract if:
Your order is not shipped on time as stated in your contract.
Your products do not meet the quality requirements1 stated in your contract.
1.Disputes for any reason other than late shipment or failure to meet pre-shipment product quality requirements as agreed in your contract
2.Goods damaged during shipment or pick-up
3.Goods which were shipped on time but did not arrive
4.Product quality issues after shipment